Tuesday, 1 January 2013

My Plans for 2013.

Hey guys, long time no blog.
I thought I would kick this off with a little mention of the group I have been working with recently.
They are called Angels Goal and they are a non-profit Anti-Bullying Organisation, it is something that I find very important.
Angels Goal Facebook.

Wasn't really bullied in school because I saw school as a place of learning and not making friends, never saw friends as an important thing; more of a distraction. My sister however suffered badly in school to the point that she never finished and missed out on so many opportunities that a year 12 cert would have given her. This makes me sad, because there are so many like her that just don't get the support that our family has given her. These ones can be pushed over the edge and do the most terrible things to themselves, like hurting themselves or starving themselves, thinking they are worthless and worst of all, killing themselves. Others become bullies, it's like Frankenstein's monster, he created a monster. The monster then hurt others killed Frankenstein. This can be prevented if school's and parents paid more attention to their kids and less time worrying about their own lives. You have a kid and it's your duty to protect them till the day you die. Well that's my opinion anyway.
Hell, look at the Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy, the young boy who killed all those kids was bullied at that school. He was damaged for life, doesn't that make you want to try and change the way our schools operate?

What are your thoughts on this very important subject?

Were you bullied as a kid or a witness to bullying?

Do you think more needs to be done to protect the young ones in our school?

If you have anything else you would like to add on this topic then let me know.


Email: Zarishtra@gmail.com
In other news, I have improved my art style. Food has never looked so tasty and it's come to my attention that more lines are better than less. I am extremely excited by some of the things I have planned to release over the next 12 months. Including, I.M. Me complete season 1. This first season will consist of 100- 120 pages plus bonus issues made whenever a holiday or topic of interest come up. Hopefully Zarishtra may have a couple of chapters out, for those who don't know what that is; it's a Sci Fi series about an alien woman who gets mutated and has to fight off a government who wants to use her as a mindless weapon against an invading force. Some pretty cool characters will be in there, most will be mutated and others not so much. I am also hoping to have some holiday mugs coming out, if you have any suggestions then drop me a line.
By mid-year I am hoping to get a couple of artists to work for me in a possible youtube series called Writing Miracles, I have not got much to pay them with currently but I am willing to give a portion of the Adsense revenue from it. It's about a woman who discovers her husband is cheating the same day she gets offered a job to go work for another company and not one they co-own. She leaves him and goes off to her new job which is as a director for a TV soap that she wrote and created over the last 5 years of her life. There is love and struggle and it's gonna be awesome. Again if you are interested, let me know.

The last thing I want to mention is that I survived 2012. Ha, I decided to do a comic at the time though because of all the hype at the time. So here it is. Enjoy and goodnight all.


  1. Cute comic! It really illustrates well how we can help people with just a simple reassurance.

    And to answer the question, yes. I was bullied in school and witness to it as well. In school I was always left out, and there were lots of rumours about me. But I was like you, I never cared much about what people said, I had more trouble academically to keep me preoccupied so I didn't pay much attention to the others. My friends took it very personally though. All my friends, 4 of them, were victims of bullying and took it so hard they attempted suicide multiple times. It is definitely a problem and I don't see why it is, it's so easy to just be kind to people and there is no reason why we shouldn't be. I agree with you.

    I wrote two articles about this:


    I linked to this article in the first one there.

    1. There are some reasons that can cause people to lash out, people with mental disabilities and people who were bullied and turned into a bully themselves. Plus any kids that have a bad home life that have no one to talk to and so they lash out. While we need to punish bullies we also need to find out the Why in all the cases.

    2. Good point.
